Epic of Sun is an aerospace startup whose mission is to make the world a better place through space. To this end, it is building an Earth monitoring ecosystem through a constellation of nanosatellites with Artificial Intelligence on board.


Epic of Sun emerged as a spin-off from a team of university students from USP (University of São Paulo) that develops sounding rockets and cubesats.

It began its journey in 2022 with a focus on building monitoring satellites. It was incubated at Nexus, which is a startup hub in the São José dos Campos Technological Park – SP.

It is developing the Kara Constellation, made up of nanosatellites with embedded AI that provide data found through hyperspectral cameras.

It is currently being accelerated in SEBRAE’s Start Deeptech program.

PqTec – São José dos Campos/SP
Satélite Kara


We provide a web platform with information for terrestrial monitoring for mining, agriculture, water resources, among others.

Data is collected through a constellation of satellites with hyperspectral cameras that generate +50 bands, in addition to a daily revisit frequency.

Images are treated and processed through our Artificial Intelligence, which generates specific information for customers.


Octávio Bogarim
Physical Engineering (USP)
Isabela Bruni
Physical Engineering (USP)
Mariana Oleone
Data Engineer
Data Engineer (USP)
Nicolas Medeiros
Software Engineer
Mechanical Engineering (UERJ)

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